

Hello everyone, happy new year! my name is Rafa Rauza Athaya,  i hope this year will give happiness to you :) i will tell you about what i want to achieve in 2023. Hope you like it!  One of the main things that i want achieve in this year is to get into my dream university, ITB or Unpad. But i know we should have to prepare the next plan if the first plan doesn't go well. The first plan, i will register at the state university through report card or writtem test, the first choice is SITH (Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati) ITB and the second choice is Manajement Unpad or Manajement UPI. If i don't get accepted by both of them, i will change to the next plan, which is to register at a private university. Then, what if i am not accepted in both opinions? maybe i'll be gapyear and take the test again next year

Introduce Myself

Hello let me introduce myself here. My name is Rafa Rauza Athaya, you can call me Rafa. I am one students at SMAN 3 Bandung. I was born in Bandung, 7 January 2005. I am the eldest of 2 siblings. I have one younger sister who is 6 years older than her, her name is Khanza. Since I was born, I have lived in Bandung, because my parents were also born in Bandung. In the past my father and mother met because they were neighbors.   Talking about hobbies, since childhood I like to draw, I used to win several competitions. However, the more time goes by, the less time there is to practice, so I've started drawing less often. Furthermore, I also really like listening to songs, I like listening to songs with the genre of pop, jazz, and kpop. In my opinion, listening to that song can make our mood better. Lastly, I also like swimming. when I was 9 years old I took swimming lessons, unexpectedly I was a fast student in learning it, within 1 month I was able to master 4 styles.  For now, that